Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Girl Detective books in Norway

The Norwegian publisher has changed its name to Cappelen Damm and appears to only be continuing to publish the Girl Detctive titles (called Nye Frøken Detektiv). In other words, they are no longer republishing the original "Klassiker" titles.

Frøken Detektiv: ledetråd Hawaii (Girl Detective #13 Trade Wind Danger) published 2009, uses Andreas Bennwik artwork from the Wahlstroms (Sweden) edition

Frøken Detektiv: et sant mareritt (Girl Detective #14 Bad Times, Big Crimes) published 2009, uses Andreas Bennwik artwork from the Wahlstroms (Sweden) edition

The Next Girl Detective book in Swedish

Prinsen och målningen (Girl Detective #15 Framed) published by Wahlströms, September 2009. Original artwork by Andreas Bennwik.